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Beauty-Drink with Collagen & Hyaluronic acid

Der Beauty-Drink

The Beauty Drink

Dietary supplement with collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, zinc & copper

Do you rarely have time for lavish masks and body care lotions? Does stress derived from work and having children define your daily life? Is your diet lacking in important nutrients? These nutrients are essential to preserve our beauty. Our solution: The Beauty Drink. It’s the link between beauty and our modern daily working life. Collagen & hyaluronic acid, combined with essential vitamins and a pleasant, fruity-sour taste will radiate your inner beauty on the outside.

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strong hair
tight connective tissue
beautiful radiant skin
supports joints
suppleness and elasticity

Tale of the Beauty Drink

Do you dream of fairy tale beauty? But there’s just too
much going on to ever get that famous beauty sleep? There’s always time for a Beauty Drink!

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Customer recommendations

The best recommendations come from satisfied customers!

I’ve just sent off my repeat order! I tried several suppliers before – but I am really happy with this Beauty Drink! It has a great composition and also tastes very nice! It puts the fun into beauty!
Bettina S.
My complexion has improved significantly, my skin is hydrated and smoother, especially around the eyes. A great price-performance ratio.
Nadja S.
A very good product, my complexion has improved, and it tastes nice.
Martina H.
I’ve been taking the product for a few months and I feel my complexion has improved noticeably. It's certainly not a miracle cure, but taking the product for a while is certainly good for the skin following the winter months. I’d buy it again.
Margit W.


Our skin and the transformation

When it comes to beautiful skin, ‘smooth as a baby's bottom’ seems to be the ideal. There’s a good reason for this. Our skin changes over the years. While young skin has very few wrinkles and is characterised by a network of interlocking tight-knit collagen fibres, wrinkles deepen over the years, affecting collagen fibres as well.

We can’t stop this aging process, but we can try to lessen its impact. A healthy diet and exercise are the best recommendations for this. However, if you cannot ensure adequate nutrition due to environmental impacts and stress, our Beauty Drink can provide important nutrients for your skin.

Young skin

Infografik Junge Haut

Older skin

Infografik Ältere Haut

1  Epidermis (=outermost layer of the skin):

  • Natural barrier and protection from outside influences through the environment and pathogens
  • Function: Sensory perception, i.e., temperature and pain
  • Determines how we look

2  Dermis (=layer of skin between the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue):

  • Consisting of connective tissue with a fibrous network of collagen proteins
  • Function: Temperature regulation, scarring processes, degradation of waste products

3  Hypodermis (=base layer of the skin)

  • Attaching the skin layers to bones and muscles
  • Location of sweat, sebaceous and scent glands, nerves, and lymph and blood vessels
  • Supplying all skin tissue with blood vessels and nutrients

Collagen & Hyaluronic acid

Main ingredients in a Beauty Drink: Collagen peptide & Hyaluronic acid

What is collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body (30% of the total mass) and therefore probably the most important. Collagen is known as a structural protein, or fibre bundle-forming protein.

Collagen is mainly connective tissue and it is an essential component in our

  • teeth,
  • cartilage,
  • bones,
  • ligments,
  • tendons and
  • skin.

Young, healthy skin is made up of 80% collagen!

Imagine collagen as a kind of sponge. It has a high swelling capacity so it can absorb and store a lot of water. As a result, the skin is padded, smoothed and strengthened from the inside.

Collagen breaks down or its production slows down as a result of ageing and through external influences such as exposure to sun, an improper diet, hormones, particulate matter and nicotine.

This collagen deficiency is often associated with the decreasing elasticity and suppleness of the skin. Care products containing collagen treat the skin superficially in the first instance. But the aging process of our largest organ, in terms of surface area, also takes place in the deeper layers of the skin.
This is where dietary supplements containing collagen, such as the Beauty Drink, come in. Bioactive collagen peptides reach the deeper skin layers via the bloodstream, where the structural protein collagen is located.

We only use natural and bioactive collagen peptides of the Verisol brand in our beauty drink®.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Firm and elastic skin can only be achieved with a strong connective tissue between the skin cells. A major component of this connective tissue is hyaluronic acid, which supports and fills it out. Hyaluronic acid has the ability to bind water in large quantities, which is why it affects the moisture content of the skin.

As with collagen degradation, external influences as well as ageing lead to a decrease in the hyaluronic acid content, which leads to a breakdown of the filling substance between the skin cells. Elasticity and volume of the skin are lost, it shrinks, and wrinkles form. As early as 25 years of age the hyaluronic acid content, which is necessary to protect the skin from dehydration and concomitant wrinkling, begins to decrease in the body.

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Hyaluron levels with increasing age

At age 40, only 50% of the required hyaluronic acid content is present,
25% at age 50
and as little as 10% at 60 years.

To slow down this process, many satisfied customers use hyaluronic acid skin care products or dietary supplements such as our Beauty Drink.


For true beauty from within

Beauty-Drink Flaschen

Ingredients: Water, juice concentrate of aronia, strawberries, blackcurrants, blackberries and elderberries; collagen peptides (11.6%), agave syrup, hyaluronic acid (0.5%), vitamin C, potassium sorbate preservative, zinc gluconate, vitamin E acetate, copper gluconate, beta-carotene, maltodextrin filler, biotin.

 per bottle
(= daily dose)
% of NRV recommended
daily dose*
per 100 g
Collagen peptides (VERISOL®) 2.5 g ** 11.6 g
Hyaluronic acid 100 mg ** 465 mg
Vitamin C 80 mg 100 372 mg
Zinc5 mg5023.2 mg
Vitamin E (alpha-TE)3.6 mg
(5.38 I.U.)
3016.7 mg
Beta carotene1 mg ** 4.6 mg
That is Vitamin A (RE) 167 µg
(557 I.U.)
21776 µg
Biotin250 µg5001.2 mg
Copper150 µg150.7 mg

*NRV = Nutrient reference value for daily intake according to Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011
**no reference quantity available yet

Recommended daily intake:

  • one bottle per day
  • We recommend long-term use for at least 12 weeks.
  • Shake well before use and store below 25°C.
  • Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and should not replace a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of small children. Not suitable for children and adolescents under the age of 17 years.
    The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded.


    The Beauty Drink is very well tolerated and is suitable for long-term use. The biotin contained may affect laboratory tests – please tell your doctor in advance if you are having lab tests done.


    Pleasant, fruity-sour taste.


    30 vials holding 20 ml
    total content: 600 ml


    alcohol free

    alcohol free

    lactose free

    lactose free

    no artificial colours

    no artificial colours

    gluten free

    gluten free

    no fat & no cholesterol

    no fat & no cholesterol

    no genetically modified organisms

    no genetically modified organisms

    German manufacturer

    German manufacturer